28/01/2021 Covid 19 Update
In response to increased Covid 19 case numbers in the community, all consultations and therapy sessions will take place via video conferencing until further notice. Any assessment will either be re-scheduled, take place remotely, or take place under strict Covid safe practices. Please contact the Centre if you have any questions 0466 585 2145 or 9712 8777.
28/07/2021 Covid 19 Update
Please note, due to current NSW government health directives, all consultation, therapy, and tutoring sessions will take place via video conferencing until further notice. Any assessments during this period will either be re-scheduled or take place under strict Covid Safe practices. Please contact the Centre if you have any questions. 0466 585 2145 or 9712 8777
As of 4.00 pm on Wednesday 23 June 2021 until Wednesday 30 June 2021 (or as announced otherwise), MASKS WILL BE MANDATORY in all indoor (non-residential) settings including the Literacy and Learning Centre. Note: Children under 12 or those with a disability are not required to wear a mask. Please ensure that all adults are wearing a mask while at the Centre. Masks will be available if needed. Please do not attend the Centre if you or your child is unwell — please call to re-schedule your appointment.
Staying well is our priority! The Literacy and Learning Centre has registered with the NSW Government as a Covid Safe Business.
With the start to Term 3, most Psychology and Tutoring sessions have returned to the Centre. Sessions continue to be available via TeleHealth and Zoom when needed. This include children or parents who are unwell and need to stay at home, individual who are isolating due to Covid 19 testing, or individuals who live in a hot spot. If you or your child are displaying any cold or flu like symptoms, you are encouraged to contact your doctor to arrange testing. Please do not hesitate to contact our Receptionist to re-schedule your appointment to another day or to change it to a Zoom session. Staff are also following similar government guidelines and you will be informed asap of any change to your child’s scheduled appointment.
Remedial tutoring services have been successfully conducted via video sessions and will continue during Term 2 as children transition back to school.
Psychology services continue to be offered by TeleHealth, with therapy and consultation sessions conducted successfully via video platforms. Assessments are being completed face-to-face at the Centre, with government policies regarding physical distancing and hygiene being followed closely.
These policies will be updated regularly in line with government announcements.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Centre if you have any questions or concerns.
Keeping in line with Government policies about social distancing, all Psychology and Tutoring sessions are moving online! Psychologists and Teachers are currently transitioning children’s sessions to ZOOM. Information has been sent out to parents advising about this move and how to access these services. It is business as usual — only online! Children who have already started their ZOOM sessions have reported that these have been engaging and fun! Please do not hesitate to contact the Centre with any questions. For any of the few remaining sessions being conducted at the Centre, we are still following the highest standards of hygiene to ensure the safety of children, their parents, and staff in the current health situation (see below).
The welfare of our clients and staff are of our utmost concern. To this end, we are implementing a number of policies to ensure clients can continue to access the services they need as well while taking care of client and staff welfare. These policies will be regularly updated to reflect changing Government advice about coronavirus.
Hygiene and cleanliness
Notifications from the Government regarding the current health alerts have been posted in our offices. Our offices are equipped with hand sanitisers and disinfectant wipes. High touch surfaces are regularly wiped down, and tables and other materials handled by staff and students are wiped down between each child’s use. All staff have been alerted to and asked to follow good hygiene standards. Hand-washing posters have been put up on toilet doors and waiting areas to remind students, parents, and staff of correct hand-washing techniques.
General advice is for individuals to keep away from crowds and to keep 1 to 1.5 meter distance from other individuals. To this end, all sessions at the Literacy and Learning Centre are conducted one to one, with the Psychologist or teacher seated at a 1 to 1.5 meter distance from the student.
Options for your child’s therapy and tutoring sessions
In the event that you or a staff member are unable to attend the Centre, we will be looking to enable telephone or Skype, Zoom, or other video based consultations, therapy, and tutoring sessions so that your child can continue to receive support they need from their Psychologist or teacher. Assessment sessions still need to be conducted individually in a face to face session with the Psychologist at Centre; however, hygiene standards and social distancing standards will be followed including cleaning of all test materials and tables. There will be small number of people present in the offices at any one time.
Staff or client illness
Staff have been asked to stay at home if they are unwell and to self-isolate for 14 days or seek medical advice if they have been in contact with or are concerned about possible contact with someone with coronavirus.
We ask that in the event that your child or you are feeling unwell, has a cold or are displaying flu-like symptoms or if you have traveled overseas recently, to please notify reception by phone or email to reschedule your session. Please seek medical advice prior to returning from a period of illness.
We encourage all children, parents, and staff to:
Wash hands frequently (see posters at the Centre)
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
Stay at home if you begin to feel unwell until you fully recover
Seek medical care early if you have a fever, cough, or experience breathing difficulties
Please do not hesitate to contact the Literacy and Learning Centre if you have any questions or concerns. The safety of children, parents, and staff is our absolute priority.