The Literacy and Learning Centre is a service which provides help specifically for children who are experiencing difficulties with reading, spelling, and learning.
The centre was established in 2010 to provide child psychology services and support to children who are struggling with literacy and learning at school. The Centre aims to provide support to all students with literacy and learning difficulties, and takes a special interest in providing a multidisciplinary service for children with more complex learning needs or who have not progressed despite accessing remedial support. The success of our approach is based in the collaboration between our Psychologists and Remedial Teachers, who work together to provide the highest standard of remedial support to your child.
The Literacy and Learning Centre can help your child in three ways by identifying for you:
- What the problem is — by providing a comprehensive diagnostic assessment service by a Child Psychologist specialising in literacy and learning difficulties (click here for more details)
- What to do to help — by providing detailed recommendations and /or referral to our remedial tutoring programme (click here for more details)
- Rebuilding confidence and self-esteem — by providing your child with programmes that promote confidence and teach strategies for managing other problems that are common in children with literacy and learning difficulties, such as anxiety and low self-esteem. (click here for more details)
We offer you:
Convenience: Assessment, remedial tutoring, and Child Psychology services are all conveniently located at the one Centre. This makes it easy for you to access the support your child needs to improve their literacy and learning skills. It also ensures that the support your child receives is targeted and coordinated across professionals who communicate with one another about how to best help your child.
Experience: Our staff are experienced and keep up to date with evidence based research. This ensures the best quality support for your child.